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October 7, 2021
Tips for Installing Your Own Picture Frame Molding from Nikki, In Stitches

Installing your own picture frame molding is not nearly as difficult as it looks. It’s one of those projects that with a bit of practice, you can quickly work your way through it, and it packs a big punch in a room…a win / win for any DIYer!

Stage 1 of my picture frame molding wall is complete, and I COULD NOT be any happier with how it turned out.

I started off moving kind of slow… just really taking my time to think through every cut, not wasting too much wood (not going to lie…there were a ...

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September 2, 2021
Picture Frame Molding Gallery Wall (Inspiration, Tools, and Preparation) from Nikki, In Stitches

Two summers ago, before life seemed to come to a screeching halt and COVID shrank our world down to whatever we could fit inside our four walls, my husband and I took our little family to England for what ended up being the most amazing eight days of our lives.

Of all the pictures we took on the trip, the image above always seems to rise to the top of my list of favorites.

My husband and my children, my whole world…looking like they have Hampton Court Palace all to themselves. Ha!

Of all the places we traveled to ...

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February 16, 2021
How To Make A Frame With Mitered Corners from Nikki, In Stitches

It took me awhile to perfect my technique for making a frame with mitered corners.

It wasn’t the frame itself that I struggled with, but really what was the best way to attach it to my sign.

I like painting signs like these on 1/4″ plywood. The thicker stuff is heavier, and I don’t like the weight it gives my finished pieces (plus it’s not usually as smooth of a surface to paint on!)…but you can’t really nail a frame to 1/4″ ply.

I came up with the following system, and I love ...

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